Academy of Cosmetic Arts and Sciences

Academy of Cosmetic Arts and Sciences
Perfecting Cosmetic Training

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How to Choose a Permanent Makeup School

First thing is to check with Dept of Education and Make sure you school is a Licensed School.

  • Is the school your considering offering a Certificate or Diploma? A Diploma is the highest credential offer in Permanent Cosmetics and is recognized state to state (local Tatooing laws may differ) and international.

  • Request a copy of your schools curriculium see what is being covered each hour you are in class.

  • Does your class offer refreshers and Continuing education? Do they charge Alumni Students if they need to refresh?

  • Ask for a list of graduates from recent to severel years so you can compare the job market and see how students are doing.

  • How is their support system ? Is there a hotline? What if you need assistance after hours?

  • Do they have an Instructor Insurance Policy

  • What type of equipment are you trained on

  • Do they have a financing plan? is it interest Free?

ACAS Permanent Makeup Training

Academy of Cosmetic Arts and Sciences

The premier choice in Permanent Cosmetics Training

*PLEASE VIEW OUR GALLERY FOR LETTERS FROM OUR RECENT GRADUATES Our highly experienced and dedicated faculty are State Approved Micropigmentation Instructors through the Department of Education Commission of Independent Education. We meet the highest standards in the industry!The dedicated working professional can earn from $350 - $1500 for a single procedure!Work from Home, Day Spas, Prominent Plastic Surgeons, Cosmetic Dentists, Dermatologists... BE YOUR OWN BOSS!

*Licensed by the Florida Department of Education - License #3954
*All Graduates receive an official diploma backed by the Department of Education.
*Doctor Supervised
*Assistance obtaining personal medical supervision
*Board certified micropigmentation instructors on staff
*Red Cross certified in Universal Precautions/Infection Control
*Fully insured - "Hands on" live model clinic
*Graduates receive discount on malpractice insurance
*Rotary or digital kit equipment included with tuition
*Start up business planning included with tuition
*Financing plans available to those who qualify (ask about our interest free & extended payment plans)
*Question hotline available to graduates
*Free refresher courses for one year to graduates
*Job placement assistance
*Assistance obtaining websites, business cards, insurance, promotional material, merchant services, and much more...

Monday, June 22, 2009

How can you tell a Rotary Machine from a True Digital Permanent makeup Machine?

What is the difference between rotary permanent makeup equipment and state-of-the-art digital equipment?
Many companies market themselves as digital, or digital control but how can you tell if you are truly purchasing a digital machine. Well, the true Digital Permanent Makeup machines are considered the “Rolls Royce” of all permanent makeup equipment and are only manufactured in GERMANY (like BMW) not china. Digital Permanent Makeup machines do come with a hefty price tag and can range in price from $2795-$3500. A rotary machine can be easily separated from a digital if you know what to look for.
Does the hand piece (pen) plug directly into the power source (plug or wall outlet) is it battery operated or wireless (rechargeable Batteries)? If yes, then it is not a True German Digital Machine it is a rotary. Be especially aware of machines coming out of China the quality tends to be extemely poor, and does not come with a warrenty. Even worse if they are not a reputable business and go under, you will have to purchase a whole new system as to needles are not univeral. Companys like Kanagawa market themselves as digital when it is just battery operated they retail for $49-$55 a piece. Big difference from a true medical Presion quality of the Noveau Contour 1000's
A true Digital machine regulates the speed of the needle based on the thickness of the skin. The needles come in a cartridge that is pre-sterilized, so there is no need for an autoclave. It self adjusts and maintains the same speed , kind of like a car on cruise control going uphill, you can hear the engine rev up yet it maintains the same speed you set it on. The digital Permanent makeup machine is the same concept. A true German Digital Machine is easily detected from a fake….
The Hand Piece (pen), on a true digital machine should plug into a digital unit (about the size of a microdermabrasion machine), and that unit plugs into the power outlet (plug or wall outlet). The digital unit controls the speed and precision of the needle in the hand piece. Plain and simple, it is the brains of your equipment. If your equipment is not plugged into anything but a wall or operated by a battery then it’s machine that can only be adjusted by the technician. Rotary equipment is a great backup to digital so technicians should know both methods since the likely hood of owning two (2) digital machines is unlikely due to cost factor.